El concepto Arte en el espacio público se viene designando desde los años 60 aquellas tendencia de muchos artistas a sacar sus obras de los museos y a integrarlos en el espacio urbano. Desde entonces una joven generación de artistas se ha involucrado a lo público desechando el espacio nítido museal. Ahora mismo el espacio público confronta nuevos condicionamientos urbanos, historicos, politicos y sociales, lo que hace del artistas público un activista y un nuevo ciudadano. El objeto fundamental del Arte Público es desmitificar el concepto de creatividad… Nuestra intención es convertirnos de nuevo en ciudadano.

martes, 27 de julio de 2010

Volkswagen Fast Lane

Volkswagen siempre dispuesto a realizar acciones poco convencionales ha desarrollado Fast Lane; una serie de acciones de guerrilla que pretenden cambiar situaciones cotidianas sin importancia en grandes experiencias como crear un tobogán en una escalera de metro o transformar un elevador en un cohete o modificar los carritos del supermercado de una manera que creo yo todos querríamos experimentar!

Todas estas acciones estan encaminadas a generar contenido bastante interesante, ganar adeptos en Facebook y hacer publicidad del nuevo Polo GTI de una manera inteligente y diferente!

Volkswagen Fast Lane

La fiera intervenciones urbanas de verdad

El legado de Raymond Savignac (Francia, 1907-2002) sigue diciendo ¡presente! De niño, asistiendo al restaurante de sus padres, aprendió a observar. El estilo desenfadado de la vida parisina ayudo a definir su estilo y un empujoncito del maestro Cassandre (otra fiera infinita) lo catapultó al estrellato. Los carteles de Savignac logran, a través del humor, entrar a la vista mediante la sonrisa. Sabedor de que el cartel claro e inmediato superaba al narrativo y delicado, combinaba con audacia lenguajes alegres, vivos, simples, elementales; logrando con eficacia conectar a un público cautivo (recordemos la etapa posguerra donde el cartel publicitario ayudaba a revivir la industria y el comercio debilitado).
Regresando a la actualidad, son épocas de hiperrealismo virtual y terabytes, sin embargo el trazo a mano sigue refrescando.
Maestro, no lo olvidamos.

Via: NFG!

Raymond Savignac

Viva La Revolucion @ Museo de Arte Contemporáneo de San Diego


El fin de semana pasado en el Museo de Arte Contemporáneo de San Diego arrancó la exhibición Viva La Revolucion, misma que diferentes blogs de arte urbano en todo el mundo han documentado. Ellos al igual que nosotros, solo habían mostrado algunas obras que se realizaron en espacios públicos (como la pieza Don’t Believe The Hype de Os Gemeos).


Entre lo más destacado de esta exhibición podemos encontrar trabajos de Dr. Lakra, Os Gemeos, Banksy, Calma, Dzine y Swoon por citar solo algunos importantes nombres. Para ver más información, visiten arrestedmotion.com






Via: thecitylovesyou

viernes, 9 de julio de 2010

lo más último de BLUBLU

BIG BANG BIG BOOM - the new wall-painted animation by BLU from blu on Vimeo.

En la calle

3 50  Absolutely Stunning 3D Street Art (Paintings)

Hay pocas cosas mejores que el arte de la calle, ese que no hay que pagar ni un duro por verlo y que la gente lo hace en muchos casos desinteresadamente y porque les encanta lo que hacen, por lo que aprovecho para deciros que os deis cuenta que en la calle hay muchísimo arte (música, teatro callejero, pintura…).

Lo que os dejo tras el salto es una recopilación de cincuenta street arts en tres dimensiones, o lo que es lo mismo, diseños hechos en la calle que simulan un entorno tridimensional con un realismo tremendo.

Impresionante, de veras.

Fuente | HongKiattrans 50 Ejemplos del arte de la calle

preview  50 Absolutely Stunning 3D Street Art (Paintings)

3d street art are gaining much popularity these days. Notable brands are already taking advantage of public’s curiosity on 3D street paintings to create awareness for their products. You’ll see some later in the post. In today’s post, I’d like to show you some of the really stunning 3d Street art that I’ve came across and I think you’ll like them too. Full list after jump.

Hot river. Nearly the whole street were taken to create this earth cracking effect. Brilliant piece of art! (via Edgar Mueller)
1 50  Absolutely Stunning 3D Street Art (Paintings)

Ice abyss. Watch out to not fall in this huge ice abyss! (via Edgar Mueller)
8 50  Absolutely Stunning 3D Street Art (Paintings)

Raft. Now that the street is flooded, raft is your only resort to get to the other side. (via Edgar Mueller)
11 50  Absolutely Stunning 3D Street Art (Paintings)

Johnnie Walker in Taipei. Underworld of Johnnie Walker. (via Manfred Stader)
3 50  Absolutely Stunning 3D Street Art (Paintings)

Mysterious cave. You don’t have to travel around around the world exploring mysterious caves – somtimes they are just under you. (via Edgar Mueller)
41 50  Absolutely Stunning 3D Street Art (Paintings)

Reflection. People on the upper part of the image is real but their reflection on the bottom part of the image is drawn. (via Kurt Wenner)
2 50  Absolutely Stunning 3D Street Art (Paintings)

Melstorm. And here comes the vortex! (via Kurt Wenner)
12 50  Absolutely Stunning 3D Street Art (Paintings)

Muses. This drawing looks like an old, classic painting, similar to paintings in medieval castles. (via Kurt Wenner)
13 50  Absolutely Stunning 3D Street Art (Paintings)

Hole. Another drawing which shows what happens under the street. (via Kurt Wenner)
14 50  Absolutely Stunning 3D Street Art (Paintings)

Relaxing giant. A huge giant relaxing on the street. (via Kurt Wenner)
15 50  Absolutely Stunning 3D Street Art (Paintings)

Horses. It’s a cowboy show, yee-haw! (via Kurt Wenner)
16 50  Absolutely Stunning 3D Street Art (Paintings)

Office stress. This drawing represents daily life of a typical office, maybe? (via Kurt Wenner)
9 50  Absolutely Stunning 3D Street Art (Paintings)

Crazy river. Just hold on and here we go… Oh snap, I didn’t see that crock down the river! (via Julian Beever)
5 50  Absolutely Stunning 3D Street Art (Paintings)

Escalator. Escalator from the underground. This looks very realistic! (via Manfred Stader)
4 50  Absolutely Stunning 3D Street Art (Paintings)

Grant’s. Ice cold 3D chalk drawing for “Grant’s”. (via Manfred Stader)
17 50  Absolutely Stunning 3D Street Art (Paintings)

Smart. This is very big, shiny drawing which is made for “Smart”. (via Manfred Stader)
18 50  Absolutely Stunning 3D Street Art (Paintings)

Nails. Ouch, this hurts! (via Manfred Stader)
19 50  Absolutely Stunning 3D Street Art (Paintings)

Asian Paints – Mumbai. What’s this? It’s a colour waterfall! (via Manfred Stader)
20 50  Absolutely Stunning 3D Street Art (Paintings)

EasyJet – Edinburg. So it’s possible to kick back at a beach, in the middle of a city. (via Manfred Stader)
21 50  Absolutely Stunning 3D Street Art (Paintings)

Hot bath. And here we have a hot bath which is open for everyone! (via Manfred Stader)
22 50  Absolutely Stunning 3D Street Art (Paintings)

Costa – Covent Garden. A really realistic cup of cappuccino. (via Manfred Stader)
24 50  Absolutely Stunning 3D Street Art (Paintings)

Ford Mexico. (via Manfred Stader)
25 50  Absolutely Stunning 3D Street Art (Paintings)

T-Com. (via Manfred Stader)
26 50  Absolutely Stunning 3D Street Art (Paintings)

Orange. Beautiful underworld by Orange. (via Manfred Stader)
27 50  Absolutely Stunning 3D Street Art (Paintings)

3D Shark. (via Manfred Stader)
28 50  Absolutely Stunning 3D Street Art (Paintings)

HDI. Be careful where you park your car. (via Manfred Stader)
29 50  Absolutely Stunning 3D Street Art (Paintings)

Treuhaus. 3D chalk drawing can also be on the wall. (via Manfred Stader)
30 50  Absolutely Stunning 3D Street Art (Paintings)

A fair in cologne. (via Manfred Stader)
31 50  Absolutely Stunning 3D Street Art (Paintings)

Alice In Wonderland. Where fantasy meets reality. (via Manfred Stader)
32 50  Absolutely Stunning 3D Street Art (Paintings)

Pfizer. (via Manfred Stader)
33 50  Absolutely Stunning 3D Street Art (Paintings)

Bukaresti – Romania 2009. Watch out for the crashing in car, or should it be crasing up. (via Manfred Stader)
34 50  Absolutely Stunning 3D Street Art (Paintings)

The world’s biggest fly. World’s biggest fly meets world smallest fly-spray. (via Julian Beever)
51 50  Absolutely Stunning 3D Street Art (Paintings)

Batman and Robin to the rescue. (via Julian Beever)
6 50  Absolutely Stunning 3D Street Art (Paintings)

Waste of water. (via Julian Beever)
7 50  Absolutely Stunning 3D Street Art (Paintings)

Eiffel Tower Sand-Sculpture. Artificial Eiffel Tower built using sand. (via Julian Beever)
23 50  Absolutely Stunning 3D Street Art (Paintings)

Self-portrait of artist with liquid refreshment. He has drawn himself! (via Julian Beever)
45 50  Absolutely Stunning 3D Street Art (Paintings)

Treasures. Found a treasure in the center of the city! (via Julian Beever)
46 50  Absolutely Stunning 3D Street Art (Paintings)

Hang on!. That’s right, the help is on its way. (via Julian Beever)
47 50  Absolutely Stunning 3D Street Art (Paintings)

Spiderman. (via Julian Beever)
48 50  Absolutely Stunning 3D Street Art (Paintings)

Taking the plunge. Ready, get set, jump! (via Julian Beever)
49 50  Absolutely Stunning 3D Street Art (Paintings)

Waterfall. (via Julian Beever)
50 50  Absolutely Stunning 3D Street Art (Paintings)

Heaven. It seems like we have a heaven beneath us too. (via Tracy Lee Stum)
35 50  Absolutely Stunning 3D Street Art (Paintings)

Train. Here comes the underground train! (via Tracy Lee Stum)
36 50  Absolutely Stunning 3D Street Art (Paintings)

Water In The Way. How should I cross this? Tough question. (via Tracy Lee Stum)
37 50  Absolutely Stunning 3D Street Art (Paintings)

Escape of the mummy. Mummy is climbing out of underground! (via Tracy Lee Stum)
38 50  Absolutely Stunning 3D Street Art (Paintings)

Temple of the jaguar. (via Tracy Lee Stum)
39 50  Absolutely Stunning 3D Street Art (Paintings)

The Medici Garden. (via Tracy Lee Stum)
40 50  Absolutely Stunning 3D Street Art (Paintings)

Drawn Basketball Optical Illusion. Someone should take that ball of the street, or maybe not. (via Greg Lehman)
42 50  Absolutely Stunning 3D Street Art (Paintings)

Lizards. Animals from the underground. (via Gregor Wosik)
43 50  Absolutely Stunning 3D Street Art (Paintings)

Jack Daniels. (via Gregor Wosik)
44 50  Absolutely Stunning 3D Street Art (Paintings)